Following reactions and comments on the recently broadcasted podcast show, hosted by More on the Drink Champs TV with Kanye West, Nore has openly come out to tender his official Appology to the hurting George Floyd family.
The Rising Tension also caused Lee Merritt, a lawyer for Floyd’s family to speak up amidst the whole situation, stating that while a dead person cannot defamed, Kanye's comment could land him in a legal battle considering his false statement concerning the way George Floyd died.
Nore, when asked if the lawsuit will fall on his TV show and the entire Drink Champs brand, he answered plainly that it's not about the money and suing, that it's more important to ensure that while ensuring we all have freedom of speech, no one is hurt in the process. Emphasizing his support for freedom of speech but ensuring no one is hurt in the process.
It's noteworthy that most of Kanye's claims emanates from a documentary put out by Candace Owens, as he kept using this documentary as a reference point while speaking to Nore on the show.